Thursday 14 June 2007


Saya membongkar lemari buku dan menemukan sebuah buku lama, Strategic Market Management, Edisi 5 karangan David Aaker. Sepengetahuan saya buku ini sudah di edisi ke-7 pada tahun 2004.

Saya membaca sekilas table of content dan scanning bab demi bab. Hal yang menarik saya - tentu saja selain mengingatkan pengetahuan saya, buku ini dilengkapi dengan kutipan kalimat dari orang-orang terkenal pada awal setiap babnya. Kutipan kalimat tersebut merefleksikan isi dari bab tersebut.

Pak David ini adalah Professor Emeritus di Haas School of Business, University of California, Barkeley. Gelar PhD dan Masternya diraih dari Stanford University.

Saya tidak membahas isi dari buku ini, silakan membaca bukunya, bahkan kalau tidak keberatan, siapapun anda saya ingin dipinjami dan ingin membaca edisi yang terbarunya

Silakan Anda merenungi, merefleksikan dalam pekerjaan dan kehidupan professional Anda.

Business Strategy

Plans are nothing, planning is everything – Dwight D Eisenhower

Where absolute superiority is not attainable, you must produce a relative one at the decisive point by making a skillful use of what you have – Karl von Clauswittz, On War, 1832

Strategic Management

Chance favors the prepared mind – Louis Pasteur

Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be precise – John Turkey, statistician

If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up somewhere else. Case Stengel

External Anaysis

The purpose of an enterprise is to create and keep a customer – Theodore Levitt

Consumers are statistics. Customers are people – Stanley Marcus

Competitor Analysis

Induce your competitor not to invest in those products, markets and services where you expect to invest the most…that is the fundamental rule of strategy. Bruce Handerson – Founder of BCG

There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result – Winston Churchill

Market Analysis

As the economy, led by automobile industry, rose to new high level in the twenties, a complex of new elements came into existence to transform the market installment selling the used-car trade in, the closed body, and the annual model. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., - General Motors

Imagining the future may be more important than analyzing the past. I daresay companies today are not resource-bound, they are imagination-bound. CK Prahalad, University of Michigan

Environment Analysis

There is something in the wind. William Shaespeare, The comedy of errors

A Poorly observed fact is more treacherous a faulty train of reasoning. Paul Valery, French philosopher

Internal Analysis

We have met the enemy and he is us. Pago

Self-conceit may lead to self destruction. Aesop, “the frog and the Ox”

The fish is last to know if it swims in water. Chinese proverb

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. Jonathan Swift

All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which great victory is evolved. Sun-Tzu, Chinnese military strategist

Don’t manage. Lead. Jack Welch, GE

Differentiation Strategies

If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete. Jack Welch, GE

The secret of success is constancy to purpose. Benjamin Diisraeli

Low Cost, Focus and Preemptive Move

Never follow the crowd. Bernard M. Baruch

The first man gets the oyster; the second man gets the shell. Andrew Carnegie

Growth Strategies
Penetration, Product-Market Expansion and Vertical Integration

Marketing should focus on market creation, not market sharing. Regis McKenna

Result are gained by exploiting opportunities, not by solving problems. Peter Drucker


Tis the part of wiseman to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not venture all his eggs in one basket. Miquel de Carventes.

Put all your eggs in one basket and – WATCH THE BASKET. Mark Twain

Strategies Declining and Hostile Markets

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. Publilius Syrus

Where there is no wind, row. Portuguese proverb

Global Strategies

Most managers are nearsighted. Even though today’s competitive landscape often streches to a global horizon, they see best what they knowbest: the customers geographically closest to home. Kenichi Ohmae

A powerful force drives the world toward a converging commonality, and that force is technology….The result is a new commercial reality – the emergence of global markets for standardized consumer products on previously unimagined scale of magnitude. Theodore Levitt

My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, nor to one place. William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Veniche

Implementing the Strategy

The basic philosophy, spirit and drive of an organization have far more to do with its relative achievements than do technological or economic resources, organizational structure, innovation and timing. Thomas Watson, Jr., IBM

Structure follows strategy. Alfred D Chandlier, Jr.

Never acquire a business you don’t know how to run. Robert Johnson, Johnson & Johnson

Formal Planning Systems

Stetegic planning isn’t strategic thinking. One is analysis and the other is synthesis. Henry Mintzberg, McGill University

Those that implement the plans must make the plans. Patrick Hagerty, Texas Instruments

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wah berat banget nih ...
Tapi bagus koq buat yang mau mendalami filosofi jadi marketer di farmasi.
